Catching up with my aggregator and some of the stories it snagged last week while I was MIA:
I’m happy to pitch in to help Cameron Marlowe of Blogdex complete his survey of blogger behavior and, we hope, receive his PhD. Especially since participating in the survey entitles you to post one of these lovely buttons on your site.

If you’ve got a blog, take ten minutes and help him out with the survey – it’s kinda fun and should be very interesting to see what results. I’m especially interested in the questions the survey is asking regarding blogger’s online and real world networks.
Doc Searls has an informative and useful piece about “little FM transmitters”. I’ve grown very attached to the iTrip transmitter that allows me to listen to podcasts as I drive my ageing truck across the state of Massachusetts. Basically Doc shows you how to make a simple modification to el-cheapo FM transmitters that make them significantly more functional.
In the realm of significantly higher-powered FM transmitters, my friend Daoud Kuttab announced some fantastic news today: AmmanNet is now on the air in Amman, Jordan, broadcasting at 92.4 FM. I’ve written extensively about AmmanNet both here and on WorldChanging – in my opinion, AmmanNet is one of the most exciting journalism projects in the world today. Now that AmmanNet programming will be available to everyone in the city, not just people listening online, it will be very interesting to see whether Daoud and company’s careful and hard-hitting investigative journalism will ruffle some feathers. Very much looking forward to tuning in when I’m in town in a few weeks.
Like me, Koranteng is sorry that Kenya Hudson has decided to stop maintaining Ambigious Adventure. Unlike me, he was good enough to write a long blog post urging Kenya to reconsider and mentioning that he’s keeping himself subscribed to the Ambigious Adventure feed. I’m doing the same in the hopes you’ll reconsider, Kenya.
(I owe Koranteng thanks for an earlier post in which he recommended “An African in Greenland”, by Tete-Michel Kpomassie. Can’t find the reference on his site at the moment, but it led me to read the book last week when I was on vacation. Astounding book – I’ll review it in the next couple of days. Hey Koranteng, can I buy you a beer in Cambridge one of these days?)
Friend and neighbor Jenn Mattern has started writing a blog on parenting titled “Breed ‘Em and Weep”. Usually about the challenges of raising two kids, her recent advice to penis-enhancement spammer Ron Black made my week.
I emailed Jenn earlier today to mention that I was enjoying the blog, noting that it may have scared Rachel and me off of parenting for the immediate future. Her response to me began: “Dearest Ethan, I do like to think of myself as a form of contraception.”
We’ve all got to have a purpose in life… :-)