Sam Flemming in Shangai has some good followup questions about my post about Sifry’s language numbers.
Tiered pricing for internet service could cost companies billions…
Intel embraces the next billion idea, marketing low cost PCs and Wimax to devel,oping world users
Don’t believe there’s money to be made in Africa? Your loss. Companies like MTN are kicking ass and taking names…
Evidently, you don’t need a government to have a succesful airline…
Nigerian cellphone company in India. Exciting to see African companies expanding globally…
Emeka believes Africa needs more than computers – it needs lathes and machine shops as well
Remind me again why gold is so important? With tons of waste for each ounce produced, it’s hard to think of a less neccesary commodity…
interesting new blog search engine
Independent review of BBC coverage by board of governors suggests that BBC coverage of Israel/Palestine is biased – though not intentionally – and fails to convey the difficulty of the Palestinian situation