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Come visit the new place…!

To: my four readers

From: your grateful correspondent

Re: new blog

Yes, after 18 months – that’s 11 years, in blog years – “…My Heart’s in Accra” will be moving from the cozy confines of Harvard’s servers out into the wide world. The new blog is a global affair (would you expect any less from me?) – it’s hosted by Rimu Hosting, an absurdly competent group of Kiwi geeks who run data centers in NYC and Austin, Texas. As a result, I no longer really know where my blog is, so I’m simply calling the new one “…My Heart’s in Accra”.

The new blog – not really all that different from the old blog – will be living at http://blog.ethanzuckerman.com. I’m planning on cross-posting to the Harvard site and the new site for the next few weeks, and then I’ll put redirect links on this site which push folks over to the new blog. In the near future, I’m hoping all four of you can visit the new site and help me test it – do comments work, for instance? Does the stylesheet break in your browser? I’d love to work all this out before forcing people over to the new site. Also, feel free to beat the rush and move your aggregator over to the new site feed, now available in RSS 2.0 and Atom.

A big thank you to Dave Winer, Jesse Ross, Hal Roberts, Wendy Koslow and John Palfrey for providing the space and support to get me blogging. I’m moving on not out of any problems with the Harvard blog server but because I find I’m teaching folks around the world how to blog using WordPress hosted on Blogsome, and I need to be using WordPress so I know what I’m talking about.

Thanks for reading, and look forward to seeing you on the new server.