I had the great good fortune to participate in the second annual Weblogging Ecosystem workshop earlier this year at the WWW 2005 conference in Chiba, Japan – it was a terrific day-long meeting filled with interesting papers and gave me a much better sense for the state of the art in scholarly writing about the blogosphere.
This year, I’m serving as part of the program committee for the third Weblogging Ecosystem workshop, which will be held in Edinburg, Scotland on May 23rd, in conjunction with the 2006 WWW conference. Researchers working on visualizations and analysis of information flow in the blogosphere are invited to participate, and there’s a team of smart people reviewing papers and inviting the best presenters to speak at the meeting. Drafts are due by March 10th if you’re interested in being a part. My friends Matthew Hurst, Natalie Glance and Eytan Adar do an excellent job of finding some of the best and brightest doing work in this field, so I’m hugely looking forward to the upcoming meeting.
Update: one interesting bit of the conference is a “data challenge” – do something interesting with a data set provided by the nice folks at Intelliseek. It’s a comprehensive set of blogposts put onto the net over the course of two weeks in July, available as a set of XML files. Once the world stops spinning quite so fast, I’m looking forward to thinking up something interesting to do with the data.
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