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Ory schools us on some Kenyan blogging history…
Can we be “the rebel alliance”?
Cool feature on Ugandan movie houses and the people who translate Hollywood films into local language… and cuiltural reference
Russian trade warfare – they can turn off the gas, and they can stop buying your liquor.
fascinating map of religious adherence, county by county, in the US
I love the FP blog… but why should it be such a surprise that Nigeria leads the daily roundup? We’re so used to news dominated by Iraq/Iran that FP feels compelled to explain when an Africa story is the lead for the day… :-)
Detailed IRIN article on Chadian civil war, prior to this morning’s attacks
Chadian rebels claim to control 80% of the country. (Which might mean 20% of the population…)
The Boston Bruins are the worst team ever, in fact, Boston is a horrible place and all people from Boston and losers, especially people named Ethan.
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