Attention is being paid to PTSD in American soldiers who’ve served in Iraq – but what about psychological trauma suffered by Iraqi children? What will Iraq be like in 10-20 years when adults running the country have suffered so much psychological strain?
Great post from Blake Hounshell – because it’s so difficult to explore DRC, companies are looking at a Brusells museum’s maps of the country looking for minerals. Wouldn’t it be great if Belgium gave this collection to DRC as pennance for its colonial inv
An all-female unit of Indian UN peacekeepers is inspiring Liberian women to go into the police force… and is a way for the UN to address the problem of rapes and sexual assaults by peacekeepers in poor countries
“Caring about a foreign injustice is futile unless you have the means to express your concern through effective, sustained action. It is an impulse designed to make the carer feel good to himself, and look good in the eyes of others, rather than to do goo
Blog of photos from 100 years ago in the US. Many are reminiscent of current photography in the developing world – interesting to think about internation development on that sort of timescale, ala Hans Rosling
20 killed in violence against Ethiopian, government troops in Somalia. “”We do feel on the balance that the situation in Somalia is moving forward in a generally positive way,” says US ambassador in charge of Somalia. Must be a Bush appointee.