Disturbing story from Paris, Texas about racial disparity in crime sentencing – a white youth who killed a black man sentenced to community service while a black teen with no record who shoved a hallway monitor getting seven years in juvenile prison…
Wonderful parody of This American Life, spot on in terms of parodying Ira Glass’s delivery and the predictable quirks of a TAL episode
EU has decided it’s too dangerous to monitor Nigerian elections in the Bayelsa, Rivers and Delta States. These are, of course, states where para-military presence could lead to widespread election fraud.
Blogswarms tackle “document dumps”, where a government agency tries to drown a story in an avalanche of released documents. Interesting implications for NewAssignment-style journalism
Mark Lynch’s take on proposed changes to the Egyptian constitution and the tepid reaction in the US media: “Mubarak is about to do exactly what he always accuses Islamists of secretly planning: win an election and then use his majority to abolish democra
Excellent piece on a radio show that uses SMS, personal interviews to let citizens in Ituri ask questions about justice in the wake of civil war. Women organize “listening clubs” to bring people together to hear the program
Dmitri Vitaliev’s comprehensive guide to online security for human rights activists. Very much worth a read.
Angola denies that it’s sending troops to Zimbabwe despite confirmations from Zim government. Possible that Zim government is using this as a threat against activists without being able to back it up.
Teju Cole on a particularly egregious NYT article about African travel, which focuses on the high cost of going on wildlife safaris. Why do discussion of Africans in America travelling to Africa? “It’s just not going to happen. Not unless we are writing i
Forthcoming paper from MSresearch suggests that up to 75% of Blogger blogs are splogs
Xeni’s story on the FreeKareem situation and the crackdown on online speech in Egypt