Dark predictions for the future of urban africa, based on the theory that Africa’s poorly positioned to create manufacturing jobs and better positiioned for unemployed young men to participate in criminal gangs
Tom Standage celebrates mobile money, using most of the usualy examples
An interesting – and ultimately ill-thought out – SMS egovernment tool let people discover the contact information for the owners of a vehicle in India based on license plate. Predictably, it became used to harrass female vehicle owners
A new study ranks Sweden’s development aid as the most effective. FP looks at the rationale and talks about what might be possible if US citizens were as generous as Swedes in international aid
Is widespread city planning for Kigali unrealistic for a country that can’t provide electricity to more than 5% of its population? Or is it the key to future survival in a country where the population is outpacing the abilility to grow food?
An overview of use of mobile technologies for protests by Evgeny Morozov