Lovely map of discretionary spending around the world, using scaled squares as a simple form of cartogram
Friends are running a BarCamp at Google. focused on building bridges between the Silicon Valley community and African geeks and entrepreneurs. A very cool idea.
It's a tough time for newspapers… with the exception of newspapers that serve immigrant communities, which are booming. A Boston-area Spanish language paper exands from weekly to six days a week.
Inspired by BBC's "The Box", Garry Peterson digs into trade and economics data and comes up with some excellent flow maps of global trade.
Great post on ways to use Mechanical Turk effectively for data checking, and ways to work profitably with Turkers
Interesting riff on my post about tracking cultural export as a way of understanding cultural influence. Looks at UN's translation index to examine translation in post-Soviet states and sees vastly more translation in the Baltics and Central Europe than in Central Asia