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The assassinated lawyer, the arrested Twitterer – corruption, whistleblowing and protest in Guatemala


That’s the beginning of a three-page letter written and signed by lawyer Rodrigo Rosenberg on May 9th. “If you are reading this message, it’s because I, Rodrigo Rosenberg Marzano, was assasinated by the private secretary to the President, Gustavo Alejos, and his associate Gregorio Valdez, with the approval of President Alvaro Colom and of (the President’s wife) Sandra De Colom.” (A translation of the full statement is available here.)

The following day, Rosenberg was shot while bicycing in Guatemala City. In the letter – and the accompanying video, above – Rosenberg tells his audience that, if he is killed, it’s because he represented a prominent Lebanese businessman, Khalil Musa, and his daugher Marjorie Musa. The elder Musa had been involved with complex dealings with state-controlled bank, Banrural – he’d been offered a board seat and then later had it withdrawn, and believed his involvement with the bank was being used to assuage concerns that the bank was engaged in corrupt practices, including laundering drug money. Earlier this month, the elder and younger Musa were killed – while the police report that the Musas were killed by workers in one of their factories, Rosenberg believed that they were killed because they threatened to expose government corruption. The Guatemalan government strenuously denies Rosenberg’s posthumous charges.

The release of Rosenberg’s written statement and video have led to street protests as well as a great deal of online organizing. Xeni Jardin – who’s covered this story very closely on BoingBoing – reports that these protests have been streamed live on the internet via Ustream.tv, with the broadcast periodically interrupted by police harrasment. Guatemalans and others following the situation are organizing groups on Facebook and tagging their posts on Twitter with the #escandalogt tag.

In one of her posts, Xeni notes that the young people organizing online to protest Rosenberg’s murder are taking a great deal of personal risk. That was a prescient warning on her part – today, Guatemalan police arrested Jean Ramses Anleu Fernández, who was twittering under the handle @jeanfer.

The tweet that got Anleu into trouble read as follows: “Primera accion real ‘sacar el pisto de Banrural’ quebrar al banco de los corruptos. #escandalogt” – which (very roughly) translates as “The first thing to do is to withdraw money from Banrural to break the naks of the corrupt”. While many of Anleu’s tweets may have annoyed the government, authorities argue that this one constituted inciting a financial panic. (Xeni’s translation of the previous link, a story in Prensa Libre, is here.)

Now #freejeanfer and #jeanfer are joining #escandalogt as popular tags in the Guatemalan twittersphere. Needless to say, I’m setting up scripts to track all these tags and will release data here as it comes in. I’m intrigued to see whether we see pro-Colom voices in the tagstream as well as those protesting against the government, as we did with the #pman tag in Moldova.

Anleu’s arrest is a reminder of the very real dangers associated with online protest in repressive nations. Marc Lynch offered his concerns about Egyptian activists protesting on Facebook in a recent talk in New York – he worried that the ease of organizing online protests would motivate people to confront the Mubarak government without understanding the possible consequences. If the Colom government is willing to kill whistleblowers – which they strenuously deny – and arrest people for twittering in protest, it’s reasonable to assume that online activist carries some real risks in Guatelama. But Guatemalans aren’t running away from the medium – in the past couple of hours, dozens of people have reposted the tweet that led to Anleu’s arrest as a sign of solidarity and as a challenge to authorities.

Xeni’s all over this story on BoingBoing. Wikipedia’s got a good overview of Rosenberg’s death and the surrounding circumstances. Prensa Libre in Guatemala City is covering these interrelated stories very closely, for Spanish speakers. We’re late to the story on Global Voices, but I hope we’ll be covering it soon.

I ran a little tool I developed a few weeks back to check the frequency with which phrases and hashtags appear on Twitter. #escandalogt isn’t hugely frequent, registering at 0.052% – compared to #swineflu, for instance, which was running at over 2% at the height of hype/hysteria. What’s interesting is that #escandalogt is about as frequent as several of the tags listed on Twitter’s “Trending Topics”, getting more use than #fixreplies, #GoogleFail and #theoffice, all currently featured on the right sidebar. It’ll be interesting to see whether #escandalogt emerges there… or whether this is a sign that those topics aren’t entirely algorithmically generated and some human curation is involved.

10 thoughts on “The assassinated lawyer, the arrested Twitterer – corruption, whistleblowing and protest in Guatemala”

  1. Awesome rundown. Thanks. It’s amazing how much this current presidency in Guatemala is marked by scandals in the banking system.

  2. Pingback: The assassinated lawyer, the arrested Twitterer - corruption, whistleblowing and protest in Guatemala |

  3. Fantastic round up Ethan. My thoughts are with the brave people in Guatemala who are risking their lives because they believe that enough is enough.

    These scripts you mention in passing – are they open source by any chance? Or atleast Africa Source – that is avaliable to other Africans? :-)

  4. Sadly we lack diverse opinions and good investigative journalist in Guatemala to put the situation in an objective perspective.

    Many cases are never prosecuted and just now people is starting to realize how harmful a corrupted State is. For example there is a detention order against a high rank officer of the army pending for years, it was never reported by the press: http://upsidedownworld.org/main/content/view/1442/1/

    Just now mainstream media and the echo produced by the blogs started to care and created a huge campaign around the murders of important members of the elite.

    200,000 people were murdered during the armed conflict, no one cared. Not a single officer was prosecuted. Many bus drivers have been murdered every day in Guatemala, no one cared (they do not have a youtube video but they received death threats before their murders.

    It was reported on GVO the murder of three young musicians…http://globalvoicesonline.org/2009/03/19/guatemala-a-violin-in-silence-after-murder-of-youth/. Many teenagers just dissappeared during President Berger administration, others were murdered in acts of social cleansing… Evictions, community leaders in prison…

    The selective activism (not spontaneous at all) of some Guatemalan users of Facebook and Twitter just shows how big the differences among Guatemalans are, how polarized the society is and how visible or invisible can be a crime, a social issue and how important your last name or your bank account is.

    The situation with the financial panic and the blogger in prison is a different matter (it is against the constitution and International Conventions), but again, the law itself that allowed the courts to prosecute him was just the result of the lobby of interest groups (the bankers)to protect their business.

    So the offline world is talking too, but no one seems to listen to them…

  5. Pingback: Rodrigo Rosenberg deja video anunciando su muerte « Luisxvi’s Weblog

    ……Gabriel García Márquez wrote ‘Chronicle of a Death Foretold’ which is an analysis of passion within the Latin American culture.
    ……When a Latin Americans assumes a presidency of a country, he seems to feel the greased finger of god, and he, also, begins to feel as a loved personal friend with divine rights. Watching Mr. Colom before the cameras, gesturing nervously and backed by his phalange of sweaty rumpled henchmen, the only thing missing were the tattoos and the hand signs; but is all the same thing, these are cholos in neck ties. With the voice cracking under his peculiar speech impediment, he portrayed a frighten mechanical Pinocchio. One can only wonder about his estate of mind, does he think he can make up the truth as he goes along by divine presidential right, or is he truly confused in the belief that at least the very ignorant and stupid should believe in him.
    ……The reality is that violence and political assassinations are natural death causes, however, for religious and philosophical conditions the public does not wish to accept it. That is not to say that it should not be avoided. But generally the weaker the government the more they make use of the technique; but, for Latin America, historically the practice became the norm with the Holly Inquisition and it stands, still without qualms. In this remarkable case, Mr. Rosenberg has played a masterful move check mating President Pinocchio and his government by anticipating the eminent end accurately, and by planting the unprecedented political time bomb of all time.
    ……Mr. Rosenberg has left the world the ‘Rosenberg Maneuver’ that will be seen employed for evermore. – Corona Agreda

  7. Pingback: Guatemala: Assassinated lawyer, arrested Twitterer-Ethan Zuckerman « FACT – Freedom Against Censorship Thailand

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