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Encouraging thoughts from Amman

I heard from my friend Batoul Ajlouni this morning who wrote from Amman with some encouraging news – that yesterday’s tragic events haven’t shut the city down, or kept people out of Amman’s hotels, which function as meeting rooms for the whole city.

This sort of thing is never easy to comprehend I guess, but the best way to fight this from our end is to ensure that business goes as usual, and hope that this does not stop our friends from coming back to Jordan. I was at a meeting this morning in one of the hotels, and it really made me feel good to see that a large percentage of the attendees, Arabs, Europeans, and Americans actually did attend the meeting despite of what took place last night. This is the spirit which is needed here and I would urge you and others around you to pass this on. Jordan still is the place to be in, and will always be.