Adams's wonderful essay on the return of interactivity into human culture, responsible for at least two of the best quotes on understanding the internet – one about technology being "natural" if you were introduced at a certain age, and the other about how technology allows us to return to being villagers…
Pew's analysis of agenda-setting in participatory and professional media, based on story by story analysis in 2010
A Chinese expert makes the (eminently believable) claim that Chinese is now the second-most prevalent language on the internet, behind English
Emily Bell identifies a whole in America's journalistic picture – regularly updated, centrist, fact-based reporting on international situations – and suggests that the weakness of American public media may explain the absence
Excellent Quantified Self overview article, focusing on the Boston community, by Emily Singer
Helpful reflection from Michael Nagle of the Boston Quantified Self group on QS projects that are focused not wholly on body/health but on broader definitions of self