...My heart's In Accra
Ethan Zuckerman’s online home, since 2003

Unpacking Kony 2012

Traduzido para o Português por Natália Mazotte e Bruno Serman This Monday, March 5th, the advocacy organization Invisible Children released a 30 minute video titled… Read More »Unpacking Kony 2012

Why watch Zambia?

Zambia held presidential elections this week, a contest that’s had interesting implications beyond the borders of that southern African nation. When I speak about international… Read More »Why watch Zambia?

links for 2010-09-02

Comparing Approaches to Information Filtering for Relevance by @ScepticGeek Useful taxonomy of strategies to determine relevance within different search and serendipity structures. (tags: serendipity search… Read More »links for 2010-09-02