Vijaysree Venkatraman of the Christian Science Monitor has a very generous article about my recent thinking on the challenges of finding sufficiently challenging information online, and how media organizations can architect serendipity in a digital age. I come off somewhat more zen-like than I suspect I am in real life, but perhaps that’s not a bad thing.
I’ve been (very slowly) putting together a book proposal about serendipity, homophily, xenophilia and cultural bridging, and so the ideas in the CSM article will look pretty familiar to my regular readers. For anyone else who’s stumbling onto this line of thought for the first time, let me recommend:
– A talk I gave at MIT Museum’s Soapbox Series, which includes excellent questions and brainstorming from the audience
– A conversation Global Voices editor Solana Larsen and I had with master interviewer Chris Lydon for Radio Open Source
– Blog posts from April, June, September and December of this year on this set of topics. (See? Told you I was writing slowly.)
Okay, that’s roughly as much self-promotion as I can handle this week. Thanks to Vijee for her interest in the story and for CSM for helping to share these ideas with a wider audience.
Ok, get this, whoever is President of the United States is the biggest self promoter in America and probably on earth, certainly, if he’s republican and more than likely i.e. 95% (of the time) if he’s Democrat.
Is this a credit to him/her or a discredit?
Also, this is a rhetorical question.
Probably 100% for Democrats, too, because they’re also just as big crooks.
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