I’m home for five blissful days in a row – something that’s becoming increasingly rare in my peripatetic lifestyle – and I’m finding that a familiar bed, good internet access and the comforts of home are encouraging me to blog far more often than I do when I’m on the road. (It’s also possible that it’s just so damned cold and snowy here that I’m not really tempted to do anything else.)
Not all that blogging is taking place here. I find I’m now a semi-regular contributor to three additional blogs, each of which is eminently worth reading. They are:
WorldChanging – Rapidly emerging as the leading online magazine for social an environmental change, WorldChanging seems to have at least one post a day that makes me feel good about the world. I’m an infrequent contributor, a but big fan.
GlobalVoices – Growing out of the daylong workshop Rebecca Mackinnon and I held at Berkman’s Internet and Society conference this December, Global Voices is rapidly becoming my main project at Berkman. Global Voices is dedicated to the idealistic principle that everyone in the world has a voice worth hearing, and the practical challenges of making that vision a reality. Rebecca, I and others around the world are trying to identify great bridge bloggers, unheard stories and the tools and organizations to make this global conversation possible.
Bacontarian – And, because the world is a wonderful and funny place, a collaborative international weblog about bacon. Probably not for vegetarians, observant Jews or Muslims, or anyone who has trouble with the assertion that “bacon is a vegetable”.
I invite all four of my readers (yep, readership continues to grow) to join me in the conversations taking place on these blogs. And, because it’s always more fun to converse in person, here’s my speaking schedule for the next couple of months. If you’re going to be at any of these events – or even in the same city – please drop me a line and let’s get together.
Madrid, March 7th – 10th – The International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security
Austin, TX, March 15th – 17th – South By Southwest
Tokyo and Chiba, Japan, May 7th – 11th – 14th International WWW Conference
Johannesburg, South Africa, May 25-27th – Launch of Creative Commons South Africa. Also planning on spending a couple of days in Cape Town and seeing as many South African bloggers as possible.
Minneapolis, MN, June 12-14th – PUSH 2005
Whew. I’m tired already.